Adult Crime Adult Time Lawrence Steinberg Analysis

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From the Cradle to the Courthouse In “Should Juvenile Offenders be tried as Adults,” Laurence Steinberg argues that juveniles think, act, and comprehend mentally on different level than adults. In “Adult Crime, Adult Time,” Linda Collier argues that juveniles are treated well by the American judicial system despite the very violent crimes that some of them commit. Some states believe that criminal acts committed by society’s youth should not be the only factor considered when deciding the punishment for the crime. Recent policy changes have shifted the view of many people. The changes in policies are the laws that govern the treatment of juveniles. Steinberg believes that society is no longer as lenient as it once was in the past in regards…show more content…
Steinberg argues that children “12 and under” should be considered as juveniles in the judicial system (Steinberg). He believes that he potential for juvenile to change is much greater than that of an adult. Research shows that youth, twelve years old and under, do not effectively understand the way the judicial system works. Steinberg truly believes that children should be punished for their crimes; however, they should not endure the same harsh punishments of adults. Adolescence, 16 years of age and older, do not differ from adults in many area, that could prevent them from participating in a fair trial. Children between the ages of thirteen and seventeen years old should be assessed to test their competence levels to stand trial. Steinberg argues that immaturity in a juvenile case should be considered; just as insanity and emotional stress are considered in other cases. Collier realizes that crimes are occurring at an increasing rate and wonders why more action has not been taken in the juvenile justice system especially when the prosecutions of juveniles are not unheard

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