Adolf Hitler Compared To F.D.R

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Can there be similarities found between the two men Franklin D. Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler? Each is a name that will never be forgotten from the history of the world. Each brings to mind completely different ideas and feelings. Putting emotions and bias opinions aside and only looking at the historical facts let us compare and contrast the two monumental figures. First of let’s look at the most important part of each country as these two men rose to power. Germany was a great country in the year 1927, partly due to the fact that they were in a post war economy. German manufacturing was at a great high 22 percent above average. Their prosperity would not last long thou, shortly after in September of 1928 had 650,000 unemployed. This was because of the great fall of the American stock market which the balance of most of the world’s economies teetered on during this time period. When it fell it brought others such as Germany down with it. In September of 1930 Germany's unemployment had risen to 3,000,000. In this year manufacturing was also down by seventeen percent. Everyone in the country was hurting from the top to the bottom. Farmers were struggling to feed themselves little alone the entire population of Germany. They were left with crops and no one to sell them to because no one had money to buy. If there is no money to buy with then there is no money to save so the banks were hurting and closing all across Germany. The economy is like a heart, and money is its blood. The heart needs blood circulating through it at all times to be able to thrive and the heart of Germany had a clot and was weak and desperate. Germany had a well balanced government before just like America has no one man controlled all of the power to prevent from the exact events that Hitler had on his agenda. At this time Germany was falling apart everyone needed someone to blame and
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