Adderall And School Performance

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Adderall and School Performance Many college students use adderall or similar substances in order to perform better academically. However about 20% of college students misuse adderall without much understanding of the effects it has on the body. Adderall is an amphetamine that increases the dopamine levels in your brain. It actives the neurons in the brain to continually fire while also blocking the reuptake channels. The body adapts to this over excitation of neurons by killing off neurons. Continual use over a prolonged period of time can lead to brain damage causing poor judgment and impulsivity. Amphetamines also increase free radical formation that slowly destroys the brain. It can cause severe health problems like decreased brain metabolism, kidney damage, and increased risk of strokes, ulcers, and infections. Adderall can cause brief vision loss, muscle spasms, twitching, and mental confusion. It can also potentially lead to cardiovascular failure with symptoms of irregular heartbeat, rapid breathing, perspiration, and high blood pressure. Numbing or swelling of the fingers and toes is a symptom often associated with adderall use. Taking certain substances with adderall can also pose a potentially dangerous threat to the body. Consuming vitamin C or anti-acids can increase toxicity in the body. Adderall will cancel out various allergy medications if taken together. Also, taking it with an antidepressant can increase a person’s risk of hypertension. Adderall works through the body’s sympathetic nervous system, also referred to as the “fight or flight” system. It causes the sympathetic system to: decrease appetite and sleep, while also increasing heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, bone loss, and anxiety. This can lead to hypertension, diabetes, heart and mental problems. Adderall can also be habit-forming over a prolonged period of time, and

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