Acl Repair and Revision

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In the United States injury of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is very common. The Ligament is commonly injured during athletic activity. As the sports activity increases, the numbers of ACL injuries have increased over the past few decades. Over the last 15 years orthopedic surgeons like Dr. Cole have performed several successful operations to reconstruct, repair, or revise the torn anterior cruciate ligament. The ACL controls how far forward the tibia moves in relation to the femur. If the tibia is moved too far the ACL can rupture. When the knee is hyper extended the ACL can also be torn. If the knee becomes twisted it common to see injury to the Medial Collateral Ligament also. At Rush Oak Park Hospital Dr. Cole performs ACL surgeries on a daily basis. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair involves removal of the patellar tendon, which is later harvested and reinserted. The patellar tendon is threaded and inserted into a hole through the femur. There are other occasions when the patient has had acl repair years ago but, they are still having problems or they re-injure their acl. In this case Anterior Cruciate Ligament Revision surgery is performed. First, this requires removal of any screws or staples that were inserted in the acl repair. Next, repair any damage that occurred to other structures of the knee and use donor bone plugs to graft into the tunnels. After sufficient time has allowed for healing of the bone grafting, the next phase of the surgery will be performed. Then drilling new tunnels and reconstructing the acl again. Both acl repair and acl revision require proper healing and rehabilitation for 6 months to ensure best results of the procedures. I like interning at Rush Oak Park Hospital because it is a teaching and learning hospital. Dr. Cole has a true gift and he treats every type of ACL surgery he performs with precision and grace. All the

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