The Abdominal Cavity

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The Abdominal cavity (AC) holds up most of the viscera that is with in the abdominal area. – No it does not hold up, it contains the majority of the viscera. Better to have started with the The Abdominal cavity is part of the ventral cavity system that was generated as the pre-embryo folded from the ‘flatten’ disc into the 3D embryo. Septa grow out and divided it into the thoracic and abdomenopelvic cavities The pelvic floor grow dividing off inferiorly the perineum. The abdomneopelvic boundaries are: Anteriorly the positerior surface of the abdominal wall. The peritoneum, abdominal fascia, transverse abdominalis, internal oblique and external to those the external oblique abdominalis etc The AC fits approximately on the Transpyloric plane e.g the umbilical region. On the lateral view we can see that the A.C is inferior to the diaphragm and begins on the inferior surface of???? the sternum on the inferior surface of the A.C it is met by the Pelvic inlet where the pelvic Cavity would begin. (Figure 1) Figure 1 Title Visceral Contents The Gastro intestinal tract is supported from the posterior abdominal wall via the Mesenteries’ part of the peritoneum The mesenteries’ are the doubled up layers of peritoneum that holds up the jejunum and the ileum for example. The position of the organs in terms of its relation to the peritoneum gives it a named classification so for example an organ that is immersed or completely surrounded by a layer of peritoneum will be called Intraperitoneal and if it is only touched by the peritoneum on its anterior border it will be called Retroperitoneal such as the kidneys. Which is not strictly in the A.C. – O yes they are, may be behind the peritoneum, but they are in the cavity if you define it according to the muscular walls. They may have started in the pelvic cavity, but the adult location is
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