A More Perfect Union Summary

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Through the Lens of Perfection President Obama’s speech entitled “A More Perfect Union” was in part a historical overview depicting inequality amongst our past as a nation. From the get go there is a reference to the Constitution being a document that promoted inequality. I say this because the Constitution was in fact not a racially equal document. There is a “Compromise” in this document that states about the time that the first states were forming and in need of government intervention a single slave was only worth 3/5 of a white person. This type of inequality catered to an audience that was not of the majority or the privileged. President Obama also catered to a religious audience in this speech by taking several examples from the…show more content…
Most of American young adults live at home and will live at home for many years to come. When the story of Ashley came up President Obama showed a sympathy card so great that the children and young adults of this nation would have been listening to a vignette of the worst problem Americans have today, healthcare. No one wants to see their loved ones suffer, but when it comes to this portion of the speech Obama makes sure everyone knows that to prevent this suffering we need to address the problem and he is the one to take us there to the solution or “A More Perfect Union”. This speech overall was a tool to connect with all sorts of people in America, from the racially persecuted, immigrants, to the young people who are not only entering a world of gender bias but also a world of financial insecurity. Obama gave those people a “security blanket” of sorts to provide comfort for their concerns and give them hope for a life they have always wanted here in America where we have big dreams seen through a perfect lens. Works Cited Obama, Barack "A More Perfect Union." Reading the World: Ideas That Matter. By Michael Austin. 2nd ed. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2010. 238-249.
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