A Leader Is a Follower First

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Three Reasons Why A Leader Is A Follower First One of the reasons why employees leave their work despite high compensation is the attitude of supervisors or managers. Instead of motivating and leading their teams to accomplish the groups' goals, a lot of supervisors and managers are busy enforcing their power over their followers. Instead of helping their teammates to grow and achieve the objectives, such leaders are only bossing their subordinates around and are unwilling to share and pass their knowledge and skills to others. If you have supervisors and managers like this in your company or group, you will notice a high turnover of employees. Kings, princes and even sultans can be born rulers. However, great leaders are developed and made. Nobody has a birthright to become a good leader. You have to understand that rulers aren't necessarily great leaders. In order to become a great leader, you need to be a follower first. Here are the three reasons why a leader should be a follower first: Better understanding of the plight of subordinates A leader who came from the ranks usually knows and understands the plight of his or her underlings. You won't only be able to empathize with your teammates, but you will also know the tricks under their sleeves. You will know when to show compassion and when to be strict. It is a known fact that employees or followers have tendencies to procrastinate, look for ways to make their jobs easier even if the quality isn't good, and try to steal company resources, such as time and supplies. Thus, a leader who is familiar with the ins and outs of the company or group has a better advantage of taming his or her crew. Leading by example Many employees look up to supervisors and managers who know how to lead by example. If you want your subordinates to follow the rules of the organization or the company, you should be

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