A Day Spent in a Haunted House

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A DAY SPENT IN A HAUNTED HOUSE When I and my friends were going a long way by walking so in between we wanted to take a rest, then we saw a haunted house, we got in but saw nobody there. There were many spiders webs there, if we see it looks like from many years nobody has came there and lived. We cleaned the room which was very dusty, and we played working in it. All the things were covered with clothes, but there was dark because nobody had just come there for many years and we just uncovered all things. Then when we saw that on a picture a date was written which was 3/4/1900, we were amazed because the painting was drawn more than 100 years before, we go here and there because we wanted a pen to play games, but we saw that there was no pen around but on the table we saw a ink bottle in which a feather is on its side we knew that was very creepy, because these type of things were used in modern period and at the back of the house we found a garden which was full of flowers, fruits and vegetables and they were ripe so we took a vegetable to make food because we were very hungry so we boiled it at the kitchen and ate it but when we saw that from which plant we had taken a vegetable to eat on that plant there was another ripe vegetable on it. It was strange and we slept that afternoon and when we got up we saw a flower which was very beautiful but when a snake comes from the side of the flower it throws some thorns on the snake and it has died there. It was very strange at night so we take some vegetables and fruits from the garden and left that house, and got in our way because it was a very strange, creepy and haunted house.
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