Kohlberg Vs Gilligan

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Kohlberg and Gilligan have differences in their theories of moral/ethical development. One of the main issues Gilligan has with Kohlberg’s research is the fact that he only studied males and feels the results were biased against women. Since Kohlberg was an actual student of Piaget, he set up his theory in stages similar to his teacher. Kohlberg believes that morality is justice based and has developed 3 stages, 2 levels each, of moral development. The first stage is the pre-conventional stage: Children unquestionably obey rules set for them and then move into a flexibility of the rules based on individual influence. The second stage is the conventional stage: Morality begins to move into a belief of doing what is best for the family and those close to them. Then, morality develops into what is best for society and the common good. The last stage is the post-conventional stage: This stage is very similar to the one before except that besides being for the common good, morality is based on what is best for the individual despite current laws and rules. The last level moves the belief that laws and rules are only acceptable if they are just. Kohlberg’s research concluded that moral development is justice based and that most women were only able to achieve the lower levels in the lower stages. Gilligan was a student and college of Kohlberg. She had issues with his research and did her own study. She discovered there are two types of morality development; justice based and care based. She came up with her own 3 stages of moral development. Pre-conventional: Morality is based on survival instincts. Anything you need to do to survive could be considered moral. Conventional: Morality begins to move away from individual survival to include the survival and ‘good’ of society. Post-conventional: This stage takes into consideration truth. It’s not

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