3.2 Transition That Some Children and Young People May Experience Eg.Bereavement

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Transitions In caring for children, one thing you can be certain of change . Change can be passages from one position, state, stage, subject or concept to another. These changes can be gradual or sudden, and last for differing periods of time. There are 4 types of Transitions: Emotional: Personal experiences such as divorce or separation of parents, birth of new sibling, bereavement . Physical: change in environments moving to a new home, class or school. Intellectual: moving from one educational establishment to another. moving from one type of organisation to another, for example from nursery to school, primary school to secondary school, secondary school to college or college to university Physiological: going through puberty or a long-term medical condition. Common transition. Transition usually begins when children are very young. . Children’s transitions impact not only on them, but also on their families and their educators .Transitions include those that are common to all children and young people. 1-Starting School, Moving new class or different school : Starting school is a major life transition for children and their families. This transition can be both challenging and exciting. 2- Puberty: Puberty is the major transition that all children's life . It can be a difficult time for both sexes emotionally, socially and phsically. This transition could make children feel confused because they can't control what is happening to them and also make them argumentative with parents. 3- Moving home/Either locally or to a new area: Any change to a child’s environment will also cause transition. A child who moves house into a new area will leave behind friends, old memories . Uncommon transitions There are also uncommon types of transitions that some children experience particular periods of transition that are personal to them
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