17th Century American Imperialism

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14. Imperialism | refers to the domination of European powers, and later the United States and Japan as well, over subject lands in the larger world; sometimes the domination came by force of arms, but often it arose from trade, investment, and business activities that enable imperial powers to profit from subject societies and influence their affairs w/o going to the trouble of exercising direct political control | 15. The White Man’s Burden was the response to American takeover of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War; duty of white men to civilize and modernize new colonies. People living at the time the British took over were nonwhite islanders being evicted from their homes and generally disrespected. 16. Western Europe…show more content…
Gradually Ottoman Empire moved toward fiscal insolvency and financial dependency. Bureaucrats and officers were educated about European political, social, and cultural traditions. Soon many of them went against the ruler of the Ottoman empire. * 17th century Ottoman Empire had reached limits of expansion as a result of lagging behind European armies in strategy, tactics, weaponry, and training. * During 17th and 18th century Janissaries repeatedly masterminded palace corp and by 19th century had become a powerful political force with in the Ottoman Empire * Janissaries neglected their military training and turned a blind eye to advances in weapons technology. As its military capacity declined, Ottoman realm became vulnerable to its powerful neighbors. 19. Latin…show more content…
The Meiji Restoration of 1868 began Japan’s modern age. The irony was that this was a rebellion anti-Western in nature, but they must embrace the West to survive or complete. The revolution of this was that Meiji’s government radically alters in politics, economics, and social. 21. The Jacobins were a political organization of the French Revolution. They wanted to punish monarchy and they were a democracy. During the Reign of Terror the Jacobins beheaded many people, but went too far. Soon the leader, Robespierre, was eventually beheaded and the Jacobins were no more. 22. The Boxer Rebellion was a Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists. They were Anti-Manch, anti-European, and anti-Christian. Their goal was to drive Europeans and Japanese out of China. They were easily defeated once the Europeans and the Japanese sent in reinforcements. 23. Social Darwinism is the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. Now largely discredited, social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and
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