100 Q&a

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Chapter 10 Discussion Questions 1. What was to be the purpose of the National Bank? What particular functions would it perform? 2. Compare and contrast “loose” and “strict” constructionism. What is the basis of support for each position? 3. What was the importance of the Whiskey Rebellion? 4. Compare and contrast the Federalists and Republicans, especially their views on democracy, government power, the economy, and foreign affairs. 5. Which sectional and economic groups generally supported the Federalists and which the Republicans? Why? 6. Write your definition of democracy. Then use this definition to argue that Jefferson or Hamilton was the better spokesperson for democratic government in the 1790s. 7. How would you have voted on funding, assumption, the National Bank, and protective tariffs in Hamilton’s program? Explain why you would advocate strict or loose constructionism. 8. In which party, Federalist or Republican, would you have been most comfortable? Why? 9. Describe what you think would be Hamilton’s assessment of government in the United States today. Describe what you think Jefferson’s assessment would be. 10. According to the text’s authors, “critics claimed [Hamilton] loved his adopted country more than he loved his countrymen.” Rephrase this statement in your own words; then supply evidence supporting the statement. 11. The text’s authors claim that “it was fortunate for the Republic that the Federalists had the helm [control of the government] for a time.” Do you agree? Why or why not? 12. What was the relationship between the French Revolution and American domestic politics
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