workplace flexibility benefits

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Workplace Flexibility Benefits In today’s business world, employers are looking for those exceptional employees that can become part of their success. This drive for that employee results in serious competition in the marketplace. Employers have found that salaries and typical benefits packages alone might not be enough to get that desired employee. Sometimes, employers do not have deep enough pockets to offer big salaries, stock options, bonuses, etc. Employers are finding that if they turn to workplace flexibility options, they might offer that package that fits the employee’s needs for balance between work, family and health. There is a variety of flexibility options available; some examples are flexible work hours, mealtime flexibility, compressed workweek, part-time work, job sharing, and telecommuting. Job flexibility is a way to keep employees happy, healthy, and committed. It is not just an optional benefit anymore, but more of a required means to be an employer of choice. Flextime is a widely accepted and practiced way of balancing work and life. Flextime allows employees to pick their hours they work, within set parameters (Robbins & DeCenzo 2005). Flextime allows employees an option to balance their needs with their job. Allowing a parent flexible hours to drop off children, pick up children or attend events, will help parents to focus on their job. It will help alleviate the guilt that parents feel when trying to cover both work and home responsibilities. In the professional arena, many employees are looking at going back to school to advance their educations. When using flexible hours, employees are able to arrange their hours around so they can attend school and further their education. Employers can also benefit from flextime by covering more hours. By having employees who are coming in early or staying later, the employer would be able to

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