Why Music Education is Important in Public Schools

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Leadership, confidence, and friendship - all of these elements define why I am passionate about keeping music education in public schools. Music involvement throughout my school career has presented me with many challenges and rewards. As a leader in the band, I am often presented with problems and issues, which may or may not be related to music. I have to be a mentor and a negotiator, as well as an instructor. Being a leader in my band provides me with a sense of pride. Working as a group is a huge challenge, but in the end, it is worth it to put on a spectacular performance. My musical career has helped me become a more confident individual. I have been performing solos and in ensembles since the seventh grade. To be able to achieve a superior rating at these contests, one must practice every week. I have been able to achieve superior ratings in all but one of my performances. It is very rewarding to me, being goal oriented, to receive such high ratings. There may be challenges, but there are more rewards. Think back to when you were in high school - your first relationship, your best friends, all of the fun that you had. For me, these all relate to band. My first boyfriend was a band member and my best friend is in band. Nearly all my friends are musically involved. These are friendships that I may expect to maintain for a lifetime. I have talked a lot about what music education means to me, but there is proof that being musically inclined can help academic performance. As an example, since I have been in high school, either the valedictorian or the salutatorian has been involved in a music program. And if you look at the list of students who have been in the top 10% of their classes, you’ll find most have been involved in one music program or another. Music education isn’t just for friendships and relationships. Music

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