Who We Are Is Truly Tested and Proven When We Encounter Injustice.

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PROMPT: Who we are is truly tested and proven when we encounter injustice. That tragic day in the barracks is forever etched into my mind. Despite the passing of decades, the event that changed my life continues to haunt me in my dreams. We stood by and watched the degradation unfold and no one took action; no one stood up for the terrified young man as he was bastardised and mocked, all as part of a ‘traditional initiation ritual’ dished out to all ‘newbies.’ He killed himself shortly afterwards. We were all responsible; even the bystanders. We all proved that day that in the face of injustice we had no compassion for others; no morals, no integrity. We were cowards. It requires courage and selflessness to stand up for the oppressed, the weak and the marginalised in our societies. Some may say that it is through our responses to injustices that we reveal to the world our true identities. There are those who stand back, afraid to get involved. It can be argued that this is cowardly or selfish behaviour, however, it must be considered that not every human being is capable of taking action in the face of injustice. Taking a stand means taking a risk and putting oneself on the line. The consequences of doing this can be far-reaching and long lasting; consequences that not every individual has the courage to face. Those individuals who have sacrificed themselves in order to put the needs of others before their own, clearly stand out as heroes and martyrs throughout all of history. It is clear that these men and women possess human qualities and traits that are regarded as desirable; qualities such as integrity, fortitude, human compassion and selflessness. Oscar Romero and Oskar Schindler are just two individuals who showed these qualities in the face of horrific injustices. Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador in 19 fought for his people’s human rights and

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