The Criminal Accountability of Un Officials and Experts on Mission

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It is extremely important that the problem of the Criminal Accountability of UN officials and Experts on Mission is to be addressed because UN officials should be held to a higher standard than the average citizen. UN officials and experts on various missions are not only representing their own countries but the UN itself. In whatever they do – positive or negative. As Voltaire said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” There is a great deal of controversy on how we can come to a common standard for punishment in situations involving UN personnel since each country has its own values and own culture to consider. Thus, many people argue the point of how to create a single standard for the whole world. However difficult this issue may be, in cases where crimes are prosecuted with a minimum punishment or even none at all is simply unacceptable and only hinders and reverses the progress of the UN missions. Although the UN has been working hard to establish clear standards and rules by which UN personnel must abide, much more progress must be made. This will require the cooperation of every state in order for universal standards to be implemented.One of the main reasons that many crimes have gone unpunished is the privileges and immunities given to UN officials. Many of these immunities have been in place since the founding of the UN and, in fact, are modeled on traditional courtesies granted to all diplomatic personnel by every government far back in history. These immunities were created to make officials jobs easier and help them remain objective when they were carrying out their missions. Still, crimes are committed such as rape and even unwarranted killings. We need to expand on the “preventing, enforcing and punishing” expectation which the UN has already established. Even though officially the organization has a zero tolerance for crimes, the Criminal
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