What Does Failure Mean?

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What does failure mean? When you ask a person what failure means, he or she will most likely tell you that it means when you attempt to do something but you do not succeed. People often link failures with negativity, but there is much more to it than sadness and depression. The definition of the word failure is an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful. So, yes, most people understand the definition of the word. The root of failure is fail, the word came from the French word Faillir which originated from the Latin word Fallere, which means to deceive. Failures are tough to deal with, but it has been motivating mankind all along to improve our lives and make this world a better place. Failures don’t matter, it is how you react and learn from them that makes a difference. Many things that we have today were once failures but have been modified and improved to be better. Just consider all the incredible inventions that we have achieved, and do you think it was perfect the first time the inventors made it? Of course not. For example, Thomas Edison was a scientist back around the 1900s. He created a masterpiece that is one of the greatest inventions of all time. He invented the light bulb, and he did not succeed during his first trial. However, Edison did not give up, he tried and tried and finally made something that would change everyone’s lives forever. Without him, we could all be living in the dark right now. Failures are strongly related to determination and patience. If we do something and give up after failing the first try, all of mankind would cease to exist. It is because of those who have determination and learn the mistakes that were made the first time that we are able to be where we are at now. Perseverance is the key to success. Despite all the failures, if you keep trying, you will eventually be successful. Take the Wright Brothers for

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