What Broke My Father's 'A Haunted Heart'

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Course Title: Oral English, Spring 2012 Day 13 Homework: During class today, come and ask Ben to confirm your final exam time. Also, for Day 14, Final Exam Time: Between June 11 and 22. We will go in order of class number. Students will be spaced seven minutes apart, and should arrive at the classroom ten minutes before their exam time. Final Exam Content: If the university approves the exam, there will be three questions. Ben will give you about 100 seconds to answer each question. You should keep speaking until Ben tells you to stop. Question 1 (33 points)—Ben will say the title of one of the ten short stories that we studied this semester, such as ‘A Haunted House.’ Talk about people, things, ideas, and / or writing techniques that are unique, interesting, or impressive from the story.…show more content…
Question 3 (34 points)—Ben will choose one item from the following list for you to talk about: Our Town, art, conversation, Roz Savage and travel, Nadal and top athletes, Zach Anner and Oprah, science and technology, time, volunteering, and Tony Judt. If you look at any notes during the exam, you will receive a zero. If you ask Ben to give you a different question, you will receive a zero. Today’s Class Goals: 1. To talk about volume when speaking, Our Town, and some debate topics! Topic 1: Volume 1. What advantages are there to having a loud voice? 2. What is the penalty for not having a loud voice? 3. If you shout, your voice will soon become tired. What can you do to maintain a loud speaking voice without

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