Greg Bieger's Essay 'The Sentinel'

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Philosophy. An Essay. Two more weeks at university and another semester is about to end. Stress levels are running rampart and the trending college topics by mouth, Twitter, Facebook and social media platforms everywhere is “I got to write a paper.” I’m singing the same tune with a twist, “what do I write about?” With 14 weeks of instruction under my belt, my philosophy teachings about the Western Mind should have provided enough knowledge to write a decent four to five page essay. An essay that should provide proof (for a grade) that I have read, digested and somewhat understood what was eloquently printed between the pages of a 500 plus page text book. Thankfully an article I read in “The Sentinel” set my mind in motion and helped to provide me with my essay topic. Greg Bieger contributing writer for the “The Sentinel” Kennesaw States student newspaper writes”College is the time to change your mind” In his article, Bieger asks, “where has mans innate need for knowledge and experience gone?’ Bieger also contends that with the development of the Internet along with all the social media ramblings, we may not be using our minds to challenge what we believe…show more content…
Socrates' questions start from his partner's initial statement, which usually implies a claim to wisdom or to knowledge of a subject related to virtue. Sometimes Socrates seeks clarification of the claim; at other times he proceeds directly to elicit his partner's agreement to premises that will turn out to be inconsistent with the initial claim. In some cases, the premises have no authority aside from the partner's agreement; in others, Socrates provides an argument for premises, usually in the form of an epagoge, a general inference from a set of examples. (Plato's Shorter Ethical Works,

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