Wgu Professional Roles and Values

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Professional Roles & Values
Professional Roles & Values
October 4, 2015 Professional Roles & Values
A. There are many differences between a professional nursing organization and the board of nursing. I am going to start with discussing the professional nursing organization I did my research on, AWHONN. AWHONN represents nurses and the support staff who care for pregnant and laboring women. There is a fee to belong to this organization. The sole purpose of the organization is to provide education and safe evidence-based practices for the nurses in the field of Labor & delivery and postpartum care and recovery, and obstetrics. They provide educational material and several journals for their members. Some of the educational resources are free and others can be bought at a reduced cost. Several times a year, AWHONN hosts conventions and provides lectures and continuing nurse education classes. This also allows for nurses to network with other care providers in their field of interest. The mission of this organization is not focused on all nursing, rather it is only focused on nurses working in women’s health and specifically for those working with women in their child bearing years. (AWHONN, 2015)

The Washington State Board of Nursing Commission regulates and maintains competency and quality of nursing among registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, advanced registered nurse practitioner and nurse technicians. The job of the board is more than education. It is more about regulation. The board enforces licensing and evaluating the nurses at time of licensure or renewal. They are required to monitor that nurses are completing their continuing education competencies. The board also is responsible for developing rules, policies and procedures that promote healthcare throughout the state of Washington. The panel of nurses also investigates

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