Was the Easter Rising a Success

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Was the Easter Rising a Success? The Easter Rising took place on the 24th of April 1916, Easter Monday. The E.R. was a small revolution by 1600 men and women, made up by the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army. The plans of the E.R. were constructed by a minority group in Ireland known as the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Although the IRB had strong convictions they lacked manpower. It is believed that their numbers were never greater than 2000. Therefore, they relied heavily on other groups for their plan to work. The Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army were manipulated by the I.R.B, who was determined to organise the rebellion against British Rule in Ireland. The IRB staged the Rising when “Britain’s attention was firmly fixed on the war.” 1 This added the element of surprise the IRB aimed to achieve, giving them the upper hand. The First World War gave way to a truce between unionists and nationalists but also caused animosities between nationalist groups. For some home rule was enough to satisfy a need control over internal affairs, for others it was merely a stepping stone in the “evolution of Irish Freedom.” 2 the outbreak of war made these differences more pronounced. Home Rule was in the process of becoming law but with the outbreak of war it had been postponed. This lead to the view by many nationalists, that the legislature was limited. MacNeill described Home Rule as a “cheque continually post-dated” 3 causing many nationalists to question Irish support of the British war effort. The war itself created a political vacuum in Ireland giving separatists an advantage and destabilising support of constitutional Nationalism. Due to these factors the IRB’s influence over the nationalist movement increased. The War impacted many other aspects of constitutional Nationalism. The levels of emigration decreased, which lead to an increase in
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