Virtual Organizations and Simulations Exercises Use Case Paper

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Mary A. Fuller Week 5 Individual Assignment Virtual Organizations and Simulations Exercises Use Case Paper University of Phoenix CIS/568-Information Systems Concepts Facilitator: Gautam Churi Due Date: September 19, 2011 Finance and Accounting of Riordan Manufacturing Company is face problems in their San Jose, Michigan, and Georgia plant. The needs assessment shows that San Jose’s accounting department use executable source codes to distinguish between customer, businesses, items and invoices. The sources codes are used to distinguish between businesses and customers, and receipt incoming and outgoing monies. These codes are used as an input for processing executable files for the San Jose plant. The source codes are executable using Microsoft Excel, Access, or Open Source software. Financing and Accounting analytical roles are to analysis information that comes through their organization pertaining to their sales and services provided to their customers. Having a faulty system cause the department to fall behind on some of their serious obligations. At the end of each week a report was due to the headquarters office concerning their accounting procedures. Because of the problem with source coding their business clients and customers information was in jeopardy of being corrupted by its own system. The system was designed to keep track of all incoming and outgoing processes. The software caused the design system to become flawed and made it hard to complete the job effective and efficiently. The software database was so corrupt that most of the information had to be sent to others on their network by hardcopy. Taking on a problem such as this slowed down production and caused a loss in revenue that could no longer be ignored. Finance & Accounting Services had undertaken several different source

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