Violent Media Is Good for Kids

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Lori Morello CMP 125 N1 October 8 2014 Analysis of Jones Essay Gerard Jones gives his own opinion on the controversial topic whether or not children should be exposed to violent media. In Gerard Jones’s essay “Violent Media is Good for Kids” he expresses his belief that children should be able to read violent comics and tries to persuade the reader to agree. I am weary whether or not he would be able to convince the reader to agree with the evidence he has provided in his essay. Personally I do not agree with Gerard Jones and after reading his essay my opinion has not changed. The title “Violent Media is Good for Kids” is extremely blunt and the reader knows exactly what his stance is before they even read it. However the title makes you want to read it because it is going against the social norm and makes you curious as to what Gerard Jones has to say. The words Jones has chosen for his title could have been chosen a bit more carefully. He uses the word “good”, now the reader does not really know what good means just by looking at the title but can assume that he feels positively about violent media and children. Also by using the word “media” in the title it deceives the reader and makes them think that they would be reading Jones talk about all media including; newspapers, movies, magazines, television shows, etc., but all he writes about are violent comics. The title would especially appeal to parents, especially parents that are struggling with the idea of their children being involved with violent media. Within the first paragraph Gerard Jones expresses how his parents were against violence and rage. When he was a teen he struggled fitting into a group of friends because he was hiding all his emotions into a nice boy persona and was afraid to engage with boys his age that might bring out those bad emotions, so instead he often kept to himself. In my

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