Media Violence Speech

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Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, Today, I would like to discuss the concept of media violence and its futuristic, damaging effects on children and adolescents in general. Media violence, in my opinion, has a negative influence on the generations after forth, changing their personalities and their brain development and eventually bringing those negative qualities within them to the real world. Raise your hand if you had ever watched a movie that contains some form of violent means. Well, according to National TV Study, approximately 40% of the television shows portray the attractive protagonists performing aggressive actions. 75% of the “brutal” scenes depict the characters revealing no signs of remorse, consequence, or criticism. In addition, the violent actions are shown to the viewers (children) as quick, painless, harmless, and sterile. These numerous factors stated above convince and persuade the children/teenagers the concept of violence being a positive accomplishment and the correct intuition in times of conflict. For example, “attractive” stars are often role models of young children; a star presenting violence will negatively influence children that violence is positive and will execute such actions as well. Such statistics prove that media violence should not be tolerated. Taking the perspective into deeper meaning and thought of emotions and personality, Psychology Today indicates violent video games often results in the player’s changed personality. For instance, while it is the natural human interest to avoid aggression and help others in need, violent video games often motivate children/teenagers to take pleasure in violence by rewarding prizes and levels to those who complete the task. This instinct is often carried along with them to the rest of their life, as a possible outcome there is more cases of aggressive actions performed by
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