Victim Of The Holocaust Essay

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I chose to write about a victim in the Holocaust. I chose to write about a victim because I feel like they went through the most during the Holocaust. The European Jews were the primary victims of the Holocaust. European Jews were not looked at as individuals; they were looked at as pertaining to a certain group, and no matter what were discriminated just for being Jewish. They were stripped of many privileges that were available to Germans. They were not allowed to be enrolled in normal schools and had to attend only Jewish schools. After the invasion of Poland the German Nazis established ghettos in which Jews were confined, until they were shipped to death camps to be murdered. The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest with 380,000 people. By 1942,…show more content…
Their apartment was left in a way to create the impression that they had left suddenly. They left a note that hinted they were going to Switzerland. The name of the secret annex they lived in was the Achterhuis; it was a three-story space entered from a landing above the offices. It had two small rooms with a bathtub and toilet, above that a larger open room with a small room beside it. From this smaller room, a ladder led to the attic. The door to the Achterhuis was later covered by a bookcase to ensure it remained undiscovered. Only a select group of people knew of their hiding place, and they kept the family informed of war news and political developments. The people who knew of their hiding were the employees that worked with her father, and they provided them with food knowing that if they were caught they would face death for sheltering Jews. On July 13th 1942 the Franks were joined by the van Pels family and by Fritz Pfeffer, a dentist and family friend. Anne Frank wrote a diary of her experience in the secret annex and everything that she went through during the time of the Holocaust. In her diary, she talked about her relationships with the members of her family, and the strong differences in each of their
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