What Was Hitler's Purpose In Doing What He Did

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Read through the questions below before going to the websites for answers. That way you will know what to look for. As you surf the web, answers the questions. The answers may not be in the same order as the questions. What was Hitler’s purpose in doing what he did? Hitler's purpose was to create a perfect race by removing all "imperfections" e.g. any people who did not display Aryan qualities. And the people he targeted were considered a drain on society How many people were taken to concentration camps?A total of six extermination camps were established for the genocide of the Jews, where the Nazis carried out the mass murder of 3 million Jews – half of the 6 million victims of the Holocaust. Describe a Jewish Ghetto. Jews could only…show more content…
These included Jews, Gypsies, Poles and other Slavs, and people with physical or mental disabilities. Others were Nazi victims because of what they did. These victims of the Nazi regime included Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, the dissenting clergy, Communists, Socialists, asocials, and other political enemies. List some of the places where Jews hid from the Nazis. They would put up fake walls such as replacing doorways with movable bookshelves or anything else they could put up. They would also hide in underground bunkers. In cellars and attics, where they had to keep quiet, even motionless, for hours on end. In barns, chicken coops, and forest huts. Any noise, conversation, or footsteps could arouse neighbors' suspicion and perhaps even prompt a police raid. Jews were often concealed in attics or basements. Anne Frank and the Frank family lived for a long time in a secret annex in a house. Who were some of the people who helped hide Jews from Nazi troops? Rescuers were peasants and nannies, aristocrats and clergy, bakers and doctors, social workers and storekeepers, school children and police officers, diplomats and
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