Various Arguments Supporting Police Descrimination

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Arguments: Many of these arguments entail the latter efforts of discrimination of which police officers are believed to be the catalyst for such behaviors that can continue to the highest courts. Frankly speaking, the individuals mentioned in these arguments must pass through various police officers’ hands that result in initial arrests on the basis of discrimination or otherwise. Therefore, I will focus on the entire justice system as well as police officers. Race ethnicity: The death penalty is racially discriminatory in rape cases, for example. The Supreme Court ruled it to be unconstitutional because of its biasness. For example, in the case of Coker V. Georgia, it states, “A punishment is ‘excessive’ and unconstitutional if it is grossly out of proportion to the severity of the crime.” As a result of this ruling three Whites, and 17 Blacks were removed from death row. Social Class: It’s statically proven that most who are afforded the best court representation and are arrested, are poor people. More that 35,000 people have been arrested this year for non-violent drug offenses. For the vast majority of these individuals, there will be no bail and dream teams to defend them. Being poor can be a defining issue in whether these people will receive the same treatment as their white or rich counterparts. Gender: In viewing many arrests in my lifetime, there seemed to be an overwhelming silent principle to arrest the ‘man’ rather than the women in abuse cases. Females are believed to not be the aggressor in the relationship, which simply isn’t the case in many instances. A spokesman for the SAVE foundation, Carl Starling, states, “Predominant aggressor laws pressure police officers to arrest the man regardless of who called the police or what person instigated the abuse," according to SAVE spokesman Carl Starling. "Females that provoke violent

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