Police Abuse Language

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For instance, you called the police because your husband just assaulted you. This example was used because the mindset that most couples have is that the police should never be called in order to address a domestic violence situation; thus, the victim of this type of violence suffers on a consistent basis. Law-enforcement involvement with minorities is rarely voluntary. Most minorities only call the police as a last resort; therefore, when the police are called the situation is usually out of control. The main reason presented for minority citizens not calling for police assistance is the belief that everyone involved in the situation will be arrested. Most minorities do not engage the police; however, the police might consistently…show more content…
For instance, if a community has a large population of elderly people it appears that more positive interactions might happen between the police and community members. If the community has a large population of young adult males who are not employed, the interactions appear to be more negative in nature. This factor speaks more about conditioning rather than racism. Abusive and disrespectful language by police officers can assist with developing an oppositional stance from most people. What is the operational definition of abuse language? This concept might vary from person to person and might include some cultural references. In terms of racial slurs, we know that this equals abusive language but what about calling a young African-American male a “boy”. In a situation where the police officer is much older than the young African-American male, is it abusive language to call him a boy? Where some people might hear a racial slur, others might hear a developmentally accurate term. Sometimes this type of language is in the eyes of the beholder. What is abusive to one person might not be in the eyes of another. This is especially in reference to the N word. The word in its entirety will not be used in this text…show more content…
With this power comes a great amount of responsibility that can be correlated to abuse. Depending on who you ask the primary purpose of this agency is to protect and serve the general population. Force and even deadly force can be used in situations whenever the use of such is reasonable and prudent. The question is what is considered to be reasonable in reference to use of force? This question is yet to be answered; however, most people agree that it depends on the situation. Because of the ability to use force, the following concerns are present: the police can and in some cases have inflicted serious harm to citizens, the police can be bias in reference to presentation of forceful behavior, law-enforcement can act in the best interest of powerful others. Even minor force depending on the health of the individual can cause some physical

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