Vamos Nos Mudar Para Miami Short Story

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“Vamos nos mudar para Miami” were the last words I wanted to hear my father say on a cold Sunday afternoon four years ago. I remember that moment as if it was yesterday, and oftentimes I wish I could forget everything I felt when I found out that I had to leave Brazil and move to Miami. The minute I heard my father’s words, I got a strange feeling inside my body. It was as if someone had stabbed me in the heart and the air around me got colder than it already was. I was in pain. I was shivering with fear. It could not be true. My dad had talked about a possible transfer to a different country, but I never expected it was actually going to happen, not this soon. From that moment on I knew that the decision he made was going to change my life forever. It was hard to deal with the thought that in only two months I would have to leave everything I ever knew. The life I had was all I have ever asked for. I had amazing friends, did well in school, had a great relationship with my family and was always involved in…show more content…
At that moment I finally woke up to life. “What was I doing?” I thought. Those kids were happy even when a piece of bread was all they would eat for days. They were happy having only one pair of shoes to wear and sometimes, they didn’t even have shoes at all, while I was complaining about things that other people would die to have. I had a great house, went to a well-known school, had food on my table everyday and had a family that loved me no matter what. After six months of total denial, I realized that I needed to change my mentality. With that in mind I recognized that not only I had to change the way I acted, I also needed to do something for the kids in Africa who made me wake up to life. I waited until the end of class to go talk to my teacher and I asked her if she knew a way I could help the children’s

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