Meaning of My Name

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The Meaning of my Name. Each name has a meaning. It’s a part of who you are. I build my character and reflects of who I am in life. As a baby, parents pick their children’s name, from down to generation to generation. I was given the name Larssia Gyergyie. My birth parents gave me the name that would reflect on my character later in my life. My new name would be given by my new parents that adopted from Romania Elena Markham. Everything changed from then on, name, birthdays and most of all the identity that would get me lost in this world. The character of the name shows who you are. I was shy, quiet and scared of life and people. I needed someone who would love me and protect me during my child hood years. The reason that my adoptive family that gave me a new name, was that it was a new begging of my life, a new fresh start, and looking back I would understand what they wanted me to have that I didn’t have as a child. Growing up in an environment that would not be safe, the name Elena didn’t match my personality in life at all. The question ran in my head and anger arose in my heart. Could I have done something terrible that they wanted to change my name??? I was in shock, but also at the same time I felt like something changed of who I am. I felt completely lied too and set apart from my cultural and
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