Using Your Phone At The Dinner Table

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Do you ever get annoyed when someone is on their cellphone while eating dinner? For example, your in a restaurant and a waitress is asking someone what they want to eat but get ignored because that person is on a phone call or just messing around on their phone. Do not be that one guy that people are annoyed by in a restaurant! Instead of messing around on your device you should spend the time with your family. You should share how your day was and explain your feelings to them or if you just need someone to talk to. When you are at the dinner table, you should enjoy that time with your family. When kids or teenagers use their devices at the dinner table they are most likely to be disrespectful. For example, when you are not listening or your ignoring someone that says to put it away. Most teens or kids have really bad attitudes when they are told to put their device away. “Overall, it really is distracting to use your phone at the table”(Yang), says by Diane Gottsman a etiquette expert. “You want to give your dining companion your full attention and you want to show them respect by engaging—and you can not really do that if you are looking up and down from your phone,” (Yang), again said by Diane…show more content…
You can always call or text that person after your done. Or maybe you had to play that awesome video game but you can wait till after dinner to play the game. Here is a scenario, your at the dinner table and you get a call from your best friend but its not that important. So you let it ring and everyone is annoyed. Just shut your cellphone off and call back later. Some positive outcomes of using your phone at the dinner table is emergency phone calls. If you have to make an emergency phone call or you are getting an emergency phone call. Another positive outcome of is using your phone to text someone. Maybe your mom texted you to come for dinner so she did not have to
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