Us Foreign Policy Benefits

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: The current presidential debates have constantly brought up foreign policy and how it's beneficial to strengthening America and fortifying relationships with allies in the Middle East, which could give us benefits in foreign products like oil, and promoting stability and democracy. If so is said, it can't be proclaimed foreign policy is undermining our national security, can it? Romney claims his policies will "strengthen the US position as an economic and military super power", while Obama says that "After Iraq, we may be tempted to turn inward. That would be a mistake. The American moment is not over, but it must be seized anew. We must bring the war to a responsible end and then renew our leadership -- military, diplomatic, moral -- to…show more content…
First, he became a more focused and more disciplined version of Bush when it came to counter terrorism policy: He killed Osama bin Laden, pulverized al Qaeda, and has so far prevented another attack on the continental United States. Protecting the homeland is the organizing principle of a nation's foreign policy. If you can't do that, you really don't need a foreign policy. Second, Obama committed himself to (and is succeeding in) extricating America from the two longest wars in our history -- wars that were among our most pointless, given what we sacrificed and what we've gotten in return. Third, he kept us out of new ones. It is important to think through what your objectives are before you act and, in particular, how the application of American military power, whether alone or with others, would achieve those goals or make them worse. So far, in Syria and Iran, Obama has made the right call by not pursuing military half measures that might not work, could make the situation worse or create a slippery slope to greater
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