Rick Perry Case Study

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Rick Perry’s Strategy for President After emerging as the Republican nominee for the 2012 Presidential election, Governor Perry has won only half of the battle. He must now take on the charismatic President Obama to become the next President of the United States. In order to do that, Governor Perry must have a cohesive and effective campaign strategy. In this memo, I will outline key points that Governor Perry must follow in order to prevail over President Obama. The topics covered will be: public policy, social and cultural issues, fundraising, a national electoral strategy, and general campaign strategies. Let this serve as a guide of my recommendations for the Governor on how to win the next presidential election.…show more content…
Since September 11th, ensuring that our country and citizens remain safe and free from any attacks is very important to voters. Rick Perry needs to stand strong on this issue. In order to be strong and remain strong among other nations, we must first get our economy back on track. He will need to address this first as one of his top priorities. Next, he needs to push American exceptionalism. He needs to address President Obama’s escapades to other countries apologizing on behalf of the United States and how wrong that was. This needs to be pushed in debates and in every way possible. The President of the United States needs to be a strong advocate of the country, instead of apologizing and appearing weak in the face of other nations. Allies and adversaries need to know that America seeks peace from a position of strength. We must strengthen our diplomatic relationship, and stand firm with our allies against common…show more content…
This has been evident throughout his terms as Governor and the Republican primary election. I would advise that Perry continues to hold true to his conservative values. He should not change or try to distance himself from these values. However, in order win the presidential election, he must appeal to Independents and Democrats. He must find a way to get Democrats to cross over to the right and Independents to lean toward his direction this 2012 election. The way to do this is to not make social and cultural issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage main issues in his campaign. He can make his stances on these issues known, however he should not make them the center of his campaign. The main issue that he must focus on the recruit Americans from the left is job creation and fixing the economy. This is what all Americans share; they want the economy fixed and jobs created. This is what Perry must focus on, not social and cultural
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