Urinary Tract Infection

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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are infections of the urinary system ranging from an infection of the bladder to a kidney infection. UTIs affect all the people but adults are more susceptible to UTI infections. To asset in better assessment of UTIs, the UTI criteria in the elderly will be discussed. By using recent knowledge to guide in assessment of UTIs, nurses can influence a positive outcome in elderly people with this challenging problem. Urethritis is a condition whereby the urethra is infected while vaginitis is when the vagina is infected. Women are affected more than men by UTIs because their urethra is shorter and fairly straight making it easy for germs to travel to the bladder. The aim of this paper is to evaluate an older person with a persistent infection and determine the factors causing the condition and condition’s its assumptions (Mouton, et al., 2001). Infection diseases are very common in adult people over the age of 65 years. Usually earlier detection may be difficult because adults may think that that is a normal sign of aging. Diagnosing infection is very challenging in older adults as changes in the elderly people are very subtle and nonspecific. UTIs are caused by a bacterial infection and are the major cause of bacteremia in adults. Issues that predispose the aged to UTIs include use of condom catheters, neurological bladders, and use of urethral catheters. For women there are other causes like vaginal atrophy due to postmenopausal depletion of estrogen and not completely emptying the bladder providing the opportunity for bacteria growth and colonization. Because older women are more affected by UTIs than older men, we will carry out an assessment of Mrs. Ann Mary. Ann is an older widow aged 70 years old admitted in hospital for other different disease other than a UTI. During her stay in hospital, she has been complaining of having the
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