Essay On Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome During pregnancy what a mother puts into her body has a great effect on the fetus. While some mothers take precautions, others are careless such as drinking alcohol. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a serious health problem that tragically affects its victims and their families, but it is completely preventable. The center for disease control studies have shown that 0.2 to 1.5 cases of fetal alcohol syndrome occur for every 1,000 live births in the United States. Fetal alcohol syndrome is growth, mental, and physical problems that may occur in a baby when a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it easily passes across the placenta to the fetus; because it is so easily digested,…show more content…
Although, early treatment can help infants and children cope with the effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Early intervention services help children with developmental delays from birth to three years of age learn important skills. Through this therapy they help the child talk, walk, and interact with others. Another option to help an individual cope is through protective factors. One is early diagnosis; a child who is diagnosed at a young age can be placed in appropriate educational classes and get social services needed to help the child or family. Also, make sure the home environment is a loving, nurturing, and stable. A child who suffers from FAS can be more sensitive to disruptions to routines. Ones who are able to live in a stable home environment are not as likely to develop secondary conditions. In addition to those types of treatments they can also use medical care, medication, behavior and education therapy, and parent training. They can need additional medical care to monitor specific conditions related to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. There is nothing to cure FAS, but there are medications that can help manage high energy levels, inability to focus, or depression. Children who suffer form FAS may not respond well to the usual parenting practice. Parents can attend classes to

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