How Does Alcohol Affect Children

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Alcohol Effect on child Teratogens are the broad range of substances and conditions (such as severe malnutrition and extreme stress) that increase the risk of prenatal abnormalities. These abnormalities include obvious physical problems and more subtle impairments such as brain damage. A specific teratogen may damage the body structures, the growth rate, the neurological networks, or all three. Prenatal exposure to alcohol has profound effects on many aspects of fetal development. Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy contributes to a range of effects in exposed children, including hyperactivity and attention problems, learning and memory deficits, and problems with social and emotional development. When a pregnant woman drinks, alcohol easily crosses the placenta and enters the bloodstream of the fetus through the umbilical cord.…show more content…
Almost none of these babies have normal brain development. Infants and children with fetal alcohol syndrome have many different problems, which can be difficult to manage. Children do best if they are diagnosed early and referred to a team of health care providers who can work on educational and behavioral strategies that fit the child's needs. CDC studies have shown that 0.2 to 1.5 cases of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) occur for every 1,000 live births in certain areas of the United States. Fetal Alcohol Effects (a less severe set of alcohol-related abnormalities) is estimated to occur in 3-5 live births per every 1,000 in the United States each year. The only certain way to prevent FAS is to simply avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy. The only statement that can be made with complete accuracy is that zero exposure equals zero risk. Therefore no woman should drink at any point during her pregnancy. Women who consumed alcohol before knowing they were pregnant should stop drinking immediately. Doing so can reduce the risk of fetal

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