Young Children In Foster Care Essay

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Greater numbers of young children with complicated, seriousphysical health, mental health, or developmental problems areentering foster care during the early years when brain growth is most active. Every effort should be made to make foster care a positive experience and a healing process for the child. Threats to a child's development from abuse and neglect should be understood by all participants in the child welfare system. Pediatricians have an important role in assessing the child's needs, providing comprehensive services, and advocating on the child's behalf. The developmental issues important for young children in fostercare are reviewed, including: 1) the implications and consequences of abuse, neglect, and placement in foster care…show more content…
More children are entering foster care in the early years of life when brain growth and development are most active.11–14Duringthe first 3 to 4 years of life, the anatomic brain structures that govern personality traits, learning processes, and coping with stress and emotions are established, strengthened, and made permanent.15,16 If unused, these structures atrophy.17 The nerve connections and neurotransmitter networks that are forming during these critical years are influenced by negativeenvironmental conditions, including lack of stimulation, childabuse, or violence within the family.18 It is known that emotionaland cognitive disruptions in the early lives of children have the potential to impair brain…show more content…
Basic stimulation techniques and stable, predictable nurturance are necessary during these periods to enable optimal cognitive, language, and personal socialization skills. Because these children have suffered significant emotional stress during critical periods of early brain development and personality formation, the support they require is reparative as well as preventive. The pediatrician, with knowledge of the child's medical and family history, may assist the social service and judicial systems in determining the best setting to help the child feel safe and
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