Unit Cu2470 Essay

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1.1 what is the legislation relating to recording, storing and sharing information, provide details on a) data protection act and b) caldicott report a) cant share with anyone without their consent, has to be clear and factual b) only those who need access to patient information should have access to it and only access the information they need to see 1.2 why must a secure system be in place for residents documents because it is confidential so a secure system must be in place 2.1 how can you access information and advice for handling information- where does your care setting gain exta support for this information you could access information and advice for handling information off the interrnet or off your manager 2.2 if there are concerns about recording, storing and sharing information; what are the actions to take complain to the commissioner, who will investigate the matter and take whatever steps that are necessary to resolve it. in your care setting you would go to your manager 3.1 why is it important to complete records with the date, time, activity and that the records are clearly written and signed; also that they only have accurate information it is important because people may have to refer to it in the future incase the service user has became ill and you can go back and read the notes 3.2 what are the care homes policies and procedures in records to recording information, storing information and sharing information record it accurately, factual, clear and concise. store it in the correct and secure place. share the information on a need to know

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