The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act

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The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act Savannah Taylor Colorado Technical University The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) consist of two rules, the privacy and security rule. The privacy rule has national standards that protect individual medical records. This rule also protects any personal information of an individual. This means that the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act have a clear understanding with an individual that on one outside the office can obtain any of his or her information. This also means that it would not allow information to be given out over the phone. When a physician refuses to give out a patient's information, it lowers the chance of the wrong person getting the information. This rule also gives the patient the rights over all his or her health information. However, this also means that the patient has the right to examine and obtain copies of any health records at any given time. The physician cannot refuse for any reason. This is a right the patient is given. The Security rule protects an individual's electronic personal health information that is creates, receives, uses, or maintains the covered entity. Today most medical records, are held within a computer electronically, and this rules let the patient know that their information will not be exposed to anyone. This rule requires more administration being that computers get hacked daily. There is always someone making sure that no one has hacked the information and that every patients' information is safe. The security rule requires physical and technical safety. Since most medical facilities use the electronic system, it is very important to keep this system save so the information held is safe. The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act

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