Unit 207 Essay

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Unit 4222-207 Implement person centred approaches in health and social care Certificate in Induction into Adult Social Care: Unit 207 Outcome 1 Understand person centred approaches for care and support Outcome 2 Be able to work in a person-centred way: 2.1. How do you find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of the individual Outcome 3 Be able to establish consent when providing care or support 3.1 Define the term consent. Whilst complying with legal requirements and abiding by relevant legislation we must act in the best interest of the individual and work towards solving conflict, with the use of extra support. And with appropriate contact the person who has legal responsibility. : Outcome 4 Be able to encourage active participation 4.1 Define active participation 4.2 Describe how active participation benefits an individual (Dip 4.1) : Outcome 5 Be able to support the individual’s right to make choices 5.1 List ways to. support an individual to make informed choices 5.3. Explain how using agreed risk assessment processes supports the right to make choices | | |5.4 Explain why your personal views should not influences an individuals choices | |(Dip 5.3) | |

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