Unit 2028 Essay

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Unit 232 Amanda Lane Outcome 1.1 Muscles work like levers and allow the bones at a joint to work like hinges. muscles pull and move the bones at particular joints, this makes the joint move and therefore the body moves. When a muscle contracts, it pulls the bones at a joint in the direction that it is designed to move. With reduced mobility, muscles can become floppy and make movement slower and more difficult, but when muscles are used on a regular basis, they remain firm and move more easily. When supporting moving and positioning activities, it is important to remember that muscles can only move the bones at a joint as far as the joint allows. For example, the elbow and knee joints have limited movement; trying to extend these joints beyond their range can cause painful damage to the joint. Nerve fibres run all the way through the body and send ipulses to muscles, which enable the muscles to contract and relax. Nerve fibres are delicate structures and can easily become damaged through poor moving and handling techniues. Outcome 1.2 There are a number of conditions that can have an impact on the correct movement and positioning of people. People suffering with arthritis will often have stiff painful joints and frequently have limited movement in the affected areas. Care needs to be taken when moving or positioning arthritic people, to reduce the possibility of causing pain and discomfort. You also need to be aware of the limited movement of arthritic joints and not attempt to move these beyond their limits. Sufferers of Parkinson's disease may experience limb rigity that can afect normal movement and positionoing. When assisting people to find a comfortable position, either in bed or a chair, be careful not to foce the rigid limb further than it is able to, as this could damage

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