Unit 202 Health and Social Care

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202 – Introduction to personal development in health and social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1.3 - Describe ways to ensure that personal attitudes and beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work. Every person has different beliefs whether they are due to religious, cultural or moral reasons. Religion – many religions have different rules to follow for example Muslims can only eat halal meat. Cultural – this could be due to the area you were brought up or the people you are friends with. For example the music people listen to. Moral – is all about what people believe to be right or wrong for example some people may be against animal testing as they feel it is cruel or unnecessary, others may believe it’s a good thing as it helps create new medicines and drugs to save humans. This can affect people in the health and care industry because of their beliefs. For example if a doctor is of the Jehovah witness belief and they have a bleeding patient they may not believe it is right to give them a blood transfusion but as the patient may not share that belief and it is in the patients best interest the doctor should perform the transfusion regardless of his own beliefs. Workers of the health and care industry shouldn’t let their own beliefs and attitudes effect there care or treatment of a patient and shouldn’t judge any patient on anything such as race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc and shouldn’t get involved in patients personal life unless its effects there treatment or care. I can relate to this in my work area in many ways, one of the ways is chaperoning patients and doctors as many female patients don’t want a male chaperone. This could be due to religious beliefs or just because they feel uncomfortable with a male chaperone, so often I have to call a female colleague to chaperone in my place. Another issue is obtaining food
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