Should Vaccination of All Individuals Residing in the U.S Be Compulsory?

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Vaccination is the process by which pathogenic cells are injected into a healthy person in an attempt to cause the body to develop antibodies to a particular virus or bacteria. Success in this process results in immunity to the virus or bacteria. Immunity is when the body is protected from harmful substances. Vaccinations can be both beneficial and harmful in some aspects. Beneficial in the way it helps the overall population and harmful for its side effects are not always certain. To me, the benefit of the overall population outweighs the damage from one person. However, there are several reasons why some people are against vaccinations. One reason being, that it is against some religions. According to Mathew D. Staver, people oppose certain vaccines because some vaccines are made from aborted fetal tissue; such as vaccines for Chicken pox, Hepatitis-A, and Rubella. People who hold strong religious beliefs against abortion oppose these vaccines for the same reasons they oppose abortion. Also, individuals believe that God created the human body as a temple and that the body should not be destroyed by injecting a virus into it. In addition, making vaccines mandatory would violate the first amendment that protects freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, etc. Another reason on why there might be doubt on whether or not to get vaccinated is the reaction some people get or do not once vaccinated. Many people, although vaccinated may still contract the disease or even worse, death. According to a primary study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) children who received the HIB vaccine where found to be five times more likely to contract the disease than children who had not received the vaccine. Also, in the New England Journal of Medicine issue, a study was found that over 80% of children below the age of five who had contracted whooping cough had been fully

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