Unit 2 - Equality, Diversity and Rights

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Unit 2 – Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care Equality – Equality is ensuring that groups of people or individuals are treated fairly and no less favourable no matter what background they have; it is ensuring that specific needs are met such as areas of race, religion or belief, sexual orientations and age. For example in a care home if a service user is vegetarian they should have the choice of a vegetarian option at meal times. Diversity – Diversity is respecting that everyone is different and unique, no two people are the same and we all have different needs. Diversity values the differences between people. Cover why we are all different – Age – Different age groups need different attention from care workers when in a care place. In a care home it will normally be older people and elderly people will need a little more attention than younger people will need. An elderly person may not be able to do things on their own such as bathing, getting food and feeding themselves. Food – If you are from a certain religion there may be some foods that you can’t eat; For example if you are Muslim you aren’t allowed to eat meat that isn’t halal so in a care setting service users should have the right to a choice of halal food. Also we are all different because of food as we all like different things and some people are vegetarian. In a care setting there should always be a vegetarian option for service
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