Discuss The Importance Of Equality And Inclusion In Health And Social Care

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1.1 Diversity Diversity means that everybody is different, they all have different backgrounds, likes and dislikes, beliefs, etc. Staff should respect service users differences and give them individual care. For example, when planning a menu in a care home, there could be people who do not eat certain foods because of their religion. To respect this difference, they should be offered an alternative meal. Equality Equality means that although everybody is an individual and has different needs, all service users should be treated equally and given the same quality of care. Inclusion Inclusion means that everybody should be helped to be included, regardless of their ability, gender, age, etc. This makes people feel like they are respected…show more content…
It can also be amongst service users - ie a service user purposefullly not being included in an activity because they have dementia and are unable to interact well with others. It could occur inadvertently when something seems fair but actually excludes a group of people. For example, if a care home decided to organise a religious service for the home because the majority of residents are that religion, this would include people of that religion but anybody else would feel excluded. 1.3 Practises that support equality and inclusion Because everybody has different needs, employers need to be flexible so that everyone can have equal treatment and not be discriminated against. For example, if an employer offers flexible shifts, staff can fit their responsibilities such as child care around their work and not be excluded. 2.1 Legislation The legislation that promotes equality and reduces discrimination is - The Disability Discrimination Act which makes it illegal to treat somebody unfairly because of their
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