Unit 201: Principle of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

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Unit 201: Principles of communication in adult social care settings. Outcome 1: Understand why communication is important in adult social care settings. 1.1 – Identify different reasons why people communicate. Ø To inform one another. ü So the service user can understand what the carer is doing. Ø To socialise Ø To help Ø For reassurance ü So the service user knows why the carer is there. ü To motive ü Help the service user co-operate (protect independence) Ø Trust Ø For protection ü Like abuse ü Stop carers using dangerous practice ü To stop an accident occurring. 1.2 – Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings. Communication affects all aspects of working in adult social acre setting because it builds trust between the service user and carer; this also affects the confidence that the service user may have. Trust affects confidence because the service user can confine in the carer, the carer can then boost the service user’s confidence. Communication is important because the service user and carer should have mutual respect for one another. The carer should also consider dignity towards the service user. 1.3 – Explain why it is important to observe individual’s reactions when communicating with them. It is important to observe individual’s reactions when communicating with them because as a carer I will need to learn the needs of the service user such as their likes and dislikes. The service user’s reaction may be the only way for them to communicate which makes it even more important to observe their reaction. The service user’s reaction could possibly be an initial guide to their feelings, for example the traffic light system. If the service user’s reaction is good then green means ‘carry on’, if their reaction is unsure then its amber
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