Unit 2 Project: Health Psychology

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PS370: Health Psychology: Unit 2 Project Sileah Grant February 20, 2012 Kaplan University Prof: Sharon Lang Health psychology is the occurrence of mind body spirit and soul, these capabilities work together in order to justify the wellbeing of the total person. The brain and immune system unremittingly promote each other along the same conduits, which can explain how state of mind can inspire whole body health (Sternberg & Gold, 2012). Due to the fact that a new borne baby is unable to speak of a difference of what sort of pain it feels, whether it’s the pain from a wet dipper or a sharp object pinching it (Freedman, 2002). The point is that the body senses is sending a message to the brain which allows the infant to feel the…show more content…
This relates to emotional pain, and refuse to be comforted by the person. As soon as someone is sensed by the infant to have pleasant ora the child will become as calm as peaceful waters. Health Psychology studies the relationship between the psychological and physiological processes that influences the individual health and wellbeing. It associates the fields of psychology and biology in order to assist individuals in dealing with a disease or illness, with the promotion of good health and behaviors. When speaking of the psychological concept of health psychology it pertains to a sort of mind over matter. There have been several incidences where people were diagnosed with life threatening diseases and continued to live a healthy life without any further implications of the illness. For instance many people have been diagnosed with cancer and by putting themselves into a state of healthy mind, changing attitudes, lifestyles and behaviors went on to become cancer free. In fact, cancer agents have been known to dissipate never to return. A positive supportive environment of extensive social networks or group psychotherapy can enhance…show more content…
New understanding of the communication between the brain and immune system provides a physiological explanation of why such cures sometimes worked. Disruption of this communication network leads to an increase in susceptibility to disease and can worsen the course of the illness. Restoration of this communication system, whether through pharmacological agents or the relaxing effects of a spa, can be the first step on the road to healing your mind and body (Sternberg & Gold, 2012). References Friedman, S. H. (2002). Health Psychology Second Ed. Published b Prentice Hall. Pearson Education Inc. Roz, C. ( 2001)The Autonomic Nervous System: Barometer of Emotional Intensity and Internal Conflict ‘The New Anatomy: Exploring the Mind in the Body’ run at Chiron http://www.thinkbody.co.uk/papers/autonomic-nervous-system.htm#top Sternberg, M. E., Gold, W. P. (2012) The Mind-Body Interaction in Disease American Public Media Stress and the Balance within
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