Should Healthcare Organizations Develop Disease Preventive Strategies? Why or Why Not. Ethically, Is It Their Responsibility?

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Healthcare organizations should develop disease preventive measure /strategies. This approach would be beneficial to the general public as well as to the healthcare organization. Prevention, they say, is better than cure. And in that sense, when less people are sick, there would be a decrease in treatment which, will eventually safe money for other thing in the society. This will also improve patient outcome drastically. The healthcare is a holistic entity which involves both the treatment of acute consequences of poor health the prevention of poor health from occurring (Martone 1992). The more successful the HCO is in preventing disease, the more successful they will be in improving patient health (Carlyon 1984). This goes a long way to prove that disease prevention fits nicely into the mission statement of the HCO which says that healthcare organizations do their best to promote healthy living. Ethically, it is the duty of the HCO’s under the umbrella of the CDC, to design/develop strategies to prevent diseases. The three moral standards that fits into this is: benevolence, Non-maleficence and justice (Cookson). The healthcare organization is ethically responsible for preventing disease as a means of the prescribing act which leads to healing, and this describes the benevolence moral/ethical standard. The non-maleficence of ethical standard states” First do no harm” When the HCO fail to develop strategies to prevent diseases, they are causing harm to the patient who is exposed to all kinds of infectious diseases that can lead to death. The last ethical standard that proves why the HCO should engage in disease prevention is “Justice”. This refers to fair distribution of resources and fair access/responsibility of health care (Cookson 2000). And in this context, it could be argued that when the HCO fails to develop strategies to prevent diseases, uninformed

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