Health and Social Care

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M1 – biomedical and social – medical models of health The biomedical model of health looks at individual physical functioning and describes bad health and illness as the presence of disease and symptoms of illness as a result of physical causes such as injury or infections and doesn’t look at the social and psychological factors. E.g. biomedical models assume that the complexity of individual can be reduced so that by accumulating facts about the parts that make up their body a decision about how to fix that part will result in health Its weakness of this model is that it lies in its failure to fully include psychosocial factors which have proven to be powerful co-factors of disease in modern society. The strength of the biomedical model is its proven success as a roadmap for diagnosis and treatment of a multitude of diseases over the past two centuries The social model of health looks at how society and our environment affect our everyday health and wellbeing, including factor such as social class, occupation, education, income and poverty, poor diet and pollution. E.g. poor housing and poverty are causes to respiratory problems and in response to these causes and origins of ill health. The socio-model aimed to encourage society to include better housing and introduce programmes to tackle poverty as a solution. the strength of socio medical - encourages people to live healthy lifestyles It looks at the cause of the illness and tries to change the factor that causes illness to prevent are occurrence instead of just sending the person away with a bottle of pills until next time the weakness of social models - is that It takes time to look for factors affecting the illness and a prevention to stop. The focus of these models is principally to explain why health inequalities exist and persist. The key cultural explanation places emphasis upon pathological
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