Unit 2 Project: Exceptional Needs Children

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|PS340-1: Exceptional Needs Children | | | |Unit 2 Project : The Intervention Plan | |August 14, 2012 | | | | | |…show more content…
We will suggest some possible solutions for working with him for his parents and his teacher/s. We will finish with some suggestion for how his social and overall progress can be evaluated monthly. Michael is a five-year-old male who has recently been diagnosed with hearing loss which has delayed his speech process, causing a speech disorder. Due to his speech deficiency Michael has a difficult time communicating and therefore is at present unable to build meaningful relationships with his peers. According to his parents Michael occasionally has play dates, but doesn’t play with children within his own neighborhood. Michael is an only child and his parents are concerned that limited contact he has had other children has made him socially immature. His parents state that Michael has not learned to speak properly yet, so other children do not respond well to Michael when he attempts to communicate with them. He is currently working with a speech therapist three times a…show more content…
He will not experience a label within this classroom and will learn the culture of having a hearing and speech impairment. Within Michael’s IEP he will have services such as, speech, sign language, finger spelling, attend oral and sign programs as well as his regular academics. It has been stated that when children are diagnosed early combined with early amplification, teacher and family involvement do best with oral method (Hunt, N. & Marshall, K., 2005 p375). This will improve his social skills

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